
Upcoming Events

All events below happen weekly.

Day Event Time
Monday Bingo

Mens Darts
Doors Open: 7pm First game: 8pm

Tuesday Ladies Darts 7pm
Wednesday Indoor bowls & Crib 7pm
Thursday Indoor bowls practice

Quiz Night Every 2nd Thursday of every month.
£1 entry per person
Indoor bowls 7:30pm

Quiz Night: 8pm
Friday Bingo


Saturday Bingo 9:30pm
Sunday Bingo 9:30pm

All members are welcome to join any of these teams. For more information contact a member of the committee or bar staff.

Forthcoming Events

All events are forthcoming, so keep an eye out.

August Music / Events

Date Event Type Who's Playing
Sat 3rd Music Karen Bell
Sun 4th Music Sabrina Sumner
Thur 8th Quiz 8pm start N/A
Sat 10th Music Neil Patrick
Sun 11th Music Tracy C
Sat 17th Music Two's Company
Sun 18th Music Jim-Bob
Sat 24th Music The Nightshades
Sun 25th Music Words & Music
Sat 31st Music Kevin Barry/Country

September Music / Events

Date Event Type Who's Playing
Sun 1st Music Alicia Donovan
Sat 7th Music U B 4 T tribute. Hall
Sun 8th Music Marc Salmon
Thu 13th Quiz N/A
Sat 14th Music Eclipse
Sun 15th Music Country Road
Sat 21st Music Lucy Leigh
Sun 22nd Music Barry Ward
Sat 28th Music Tim Staff
Sun 29th Karaoke Cookies Karaoke